BA Residence
Introverted house folded onto itself, yet to reveal unforgettable experiences and everlasting moments. From the main street, the architectural massing of the house presents a solid facade to mitigate noise from the adjacent school. This thoughtful design choice creates an unexpected experience for visitors, as the house dramatically opens up once the door is entered.
Inside, the space unfolds to reveal a bright and open courtyard featuring a lush garden and a swimming pool seamlessly connected to the other areas of the house.The view from the courtyard showcases the floating mass of the master suite on the first floor, creating an intriguing architectural canopy.
The humble language of the main elevation contrasts with the expansive openness and powerful massing within, offering visitors a surprising and captivating experience as they explore the different parts of the villa.
Sustainable Initiatives:
The architectural design of the family villa in Riyadh incorporates several sustainable solutions to enhance comfort and energy efficiency.
The building orientation is strategically planned to maximize natural sunlight while preventing excessive heat, ensuring a bright yet cool interior. Double-glazed window sare utilized throughout the villa, providing superior heat insulation and reducing theneed for artificial cooling.
A U-shaped layout with a central courtyard and swimming pool facilitates natural ventilation, with the water element helping to cool the air. The garden in the center further lowers the temperature and provides a space for home farming, enhancing the family’s connection to nature.
Additionally, solar panels on the roof harness renewable energy, and insulated block walls contribute to the overall thermal efficiency of the villa.